How Susceptible Are You To Phishing Techniques?

Today, anyone using the internet should be worried about online scams. Cybercriminals are using various phishing techniques to trick internet users and steal their sensitive information. However, there are safeguards that you can deploy to protect yourself from these attacks. Certain common actions and activities can predict how vulnerable you are to these phishing techniques. Let’s find out by answering these questions.


#1. Are you using the same password again and again for different accounts?

#2. Do you ever open email attachments from unknown senders?

#3. Is antivirus your only safeguard while surfing on the web?

#4. Do you have transactions with contacts who were scammed before?

#5. Are you hyperactive on social media, often sharing personal information and location?

#6. Do you ever verify the website links before opening them?

#7. Do you click on links mentioned in strange or weird emails?

#8. Do you download attachments from unknown emails to see what they are?

#9. Have you ever clicked on links which claimed you won a big lottery?

#10. Do you often download files from third-party websites?

#11. Have you ever purchased products from a website you’ve never heard about?

#12. Have you ever replied to an SMS which offered you something free of cost?

#13. Do you use open Wi-Fi access points for transactions?

#14. Do you verify the URL of pop-up windows before using them?

#15. Do you frequently purchase from public machines or cybercafes?

#16. Do you often click on attractive advertisements?

#17. Do you use third-party smartphone apps instead of official versions?

#18. Do you use your computer/machines without antivirus?

#19. Do you verify a website’s security before using it?

#20. Do you know about the various phishing techniques used by attackers?


The Result

If your answers are mostly A’s, you’re very lucky you haven’t found out about phishing! And when you do so, it won’t be pleasant. It’s high time for you to update your security awareness. Even if you ticked A for only some or even one question, you are still at risk.

If you answer B to most of the questions, you are relatively safe from the common phishing techniques. However, if there are some B’s in between, you have security loopholes. It would be wise to patch them up quickly.

protection from phishing


Even though the phishing techniques employed by phishers can be clever and present deadly traps, a trap is a trap only if you do not know about it. Learn about the basics of different anti-phishing techniques can help you to avoid becoming a victim of such scams.

While there are so many phishing techniques used by cybercriminals, there are countermeasures to them. You convert the questions and answers above into do’s and don’ts without much effort. They will help you to minimize your vulnerability to phishing scams.

Feel free to share your questions & knowledge in the comments section below!

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