Feature Comparison
Yes, some of our competitors have features that we don’t offer like the ability to integrate with external threat feeds in STIX format or the ability to correlate threat intelligence across the Enterprise. If these things are important to you, our solution may not be a good fit for you.
However, if you need.
Phishing Protection
Advanced Phishing Protection
Time of Click Protection
CEO Impersonation Protection
Friendly From Impersonation Protection
Domain Impersonation Protection
Vendor Impersonation Protection
Scanning URLs in attachments
Shortened URL Scanning
Anti-phishing URL detection
Email Authentication
DMARC, DKIM, and SPF analysis
DMARC Reporting
SPF Flattening
Sender domain reputation filtering
DNS-Based Authentication of named entities (DANE)
Deep File Analysis
Attachment sandboxing
Cloud Infrastructure
Redundant secure email gateways in different data centers for each customer
Office 365 Azure Directory Integration
Security awareness training